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Web applications

We create projects of varying degrees of complexity, using the latest technologies. Our realizations include web apps for data visualisations and manipulation, simulations and admin panels with advanced data analytics.

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Web application example - softinery

Desktop applications

Dekstop applications of our productions can be used for business process automation, simulations, reports generation, and so on.

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Machine learning and AI

We apply predictive analytics to forecast future trends and outcomes. For example, finding regression models that fit the data can be applied to select optimal process conditions in manufacturing.

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Machine learning and AI


Biofilm simulation is an example of process simulations. Such simulations are used in the design of bioreactors.

Simulations are ubiquitous in engineering and industrial operations. Imitating a real-world system allows experts to study it’s behaviour in a controlled, repeatable environment. Our expertise includes:

  • Optimization
  • Numerical methods
  • Discrete mathematics
  • Control and fault diagnosis
  • Signal, audio and video processing

See our portfolio

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